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Carrington Bed Bugs & Pest Control Services

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Adults are reddish-brown, oval, flattened 6 to 9 mm long and 1.5 to 3 mm wide before feeding. Engorged adults are swollen and dull red.
The white, oval egg is about 1 mm long.
Although humans are the preferred host, bed bugs feed on many warm-blooded animals. Animal hosts include poultry, rats, mice, dogs, cats, pigeons, canaries, rabbits, and guinea pigs.

After hatching the bed bug goes through five nymphal stages that resemble the adult, though they are smaller in size. A newly hatched nymph is almost colourless. Engorged nymphs are reddish and swollen. Wild animals, including bats, swallows and house martins may also serve as hosts and may be responsible for causing infestations in or around buildings.

Bed bugs usually hide in cracks or mattresses during the day and emerge at night to feed. They inject saliva as they feed. An allergic reaction to the saliva often causes slightly delayed swelling, itching, and burning which may persist for a week or more.

Female Bed bugs lay eggs throughout their life, generally around 2 to 3 per, each female could produce around 400 – 500 eggs during her lifetime.
The eggs are deposited all around the environment in which the Bed bug is living.
At temperatures above 21°C (70°F), eggs hatch in 6 to 17 days. At lower temperatures, hatching may take as long as 28 days.

Bed Bug Facts
They are not known to be disease carriers.
They feed on human blood by stabbing the victim with their hollow mouthparts, injecting an anticoagulant to prevent the blood clotting, and sucking the liquid blood into their gut.
Infestations are usually detected by the skin irritation caused by bites, usually limited to itching and inflammation.
They prefer to feed when it is dark and the host is still and asleep.
Bedbugs can ingest up to 7x their body weight in blood in a single feed.
Bedbugs can go without feeding for up to 12 months with older bugs surviving longer than young ones They are commonly transported in furniture and luggage.
They are unable to fly or jump.

The first step to dealing with bed bugs is to locate all of their hiding places:
Furniture, particularly bedroom furniture must be inspected carefully, even to the point of dismantling the bed for easier inspection and possible treatment.
Check under and behind other pieces of furniture, such as chairs, couches, dressers, etc. It may be necessary to remove the dust covers on the undersides of chairs and couches. Pull drawers out of dressers, inspect them carefully and examine the interior of the dresser.
Remove and inspect objects, such as pictures, mirrors, curtains, etc., that are hung or mounted on walls. Check obvious cracks and crevices along baseboards.
Inspect torn or loose wallpaper and decorative borders.

The next step is to treat the possible daytime hiding places of bed bugs. Such applications are best done as a “crack and crevice” treatments to gaps around baseboards and other such items using a broad band residual insecticide through a manual hand  sprayer

To prevent bedbug infestations
Inspect all used furniture, especially beds and travel luggage before bringing them into the house.

Eliminate potential harbourages.
To eliminate an existing infestation
The treatment of  infestations are notoriously difficult and requires the following to be prepaired on the day of treatment

The programme should include the following: before treatment can start 
A thorough inspection of the infested property.
Confirmation of the presence of bedbugs.
 remove all bedding in order to Treat mattress and and bed frame  and soft furnishing within the room. do not carry beding out of the room  before placing in  sealed bags to take to washing machine  
 A residual insecticide Will be sprayed in all  cracks and crevices.
The implementation of regular laundering of bedding and the frequent vacuuming of carpets. The used vacuum cleaner bag should be disposed of in a sealed plastic bag when finished. 

Discreet 24 hour Bed Bugs & other Pest Control Services in Carrington with no call out charge We Use unmarked vehicles

We do not use sign written vehicles and will be discreet at all times when dealing with your pest problem. All pest control work is guaranteed, Treatments are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week including bank holidays. We will also advise on any pest proofing issues and how to avoid pest problems in the future. We all want what's best for our family and to protect our home. Apart from the danger to health, many pests can also cause extensive structural damage, as well as an offensive odour. Before you go down the DIY route, why not give us a call to see how we can help? You have nothing to lose! We all want what's best for our family and to protect our home. Apart from the danger to health, many pests can also cause extensive structural damage, as well as an offensive odour. Before you go down the DIY route, why not give us a call to see how we can help? You have nothing to lose!

Areas we cover

Carrington Pest Control Services

People and companies think they can treat the pest problem themselves, only to find that they make the infestation worse by purchasing products from DIY outlets with a poor percentage of insecticide. This may prove to be an expensive waste of time and money. Carrington Bed Bugs & Pest Control provides an effective solution to your pest control problem with advice to prevent any infestation recurring.

Ants Bedbugs Beetles Birds Cockroaches Fleas Flies Foxes Mice Mites Moles Moths Pigeons Rabbits Rats Silverfish Spiders Squirrels Wasps Woodlice

Common Pests in Carrington
We offer a same day wasp treatment service in the Carrington area
Wasp Nest Treament in Carrington
Effective Wasp Nest Treatment in Carrington

Carrington wasp control treatments are safe and provide excellent value for money. We offer a comprehensive wasp nest treatment service for a fixed price of £59.50. We also cover Stockport, Cheshire and Warrington areas. We are specialists in wasp nest control and also hornet nest treatments. We also provide a same day service, so for those people that really don't like wasps at all, we are here to help and we guarantee that we kill wasp nests dead.

Pest Control for Landlords in Carrington
Pest Control Services for Landlords in Carrington

Manchester Pest covers Greater Manchester and Cheshire.

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