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Carrington Insects & Pest Control Services

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Pest Control Manchester

Insect Pest Control

Manchester Pest Control cover a wide variety of insect with in the Manchester, Stockport, Warrington and Cheshire areas, which include the following:

Cockroaches, Common Wasp, Fruit Flies, Black Ant, Pharaohs Ant, Case-bearing Clothes Moth, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Cockchafer, Cluster Flies, Book lice, Stored Product Insects, Brown-tail Moth, Flies, Flying Insects, Harlequin Ladybirds

Insect Information:


Two main species in Britain; the Oriental cockroach and the German cockroach. These are gregarious insects and are well adapted to coexist with man. They are mainly nocturnal and spend the day sheltering in cracks and crevices around areas close to the food source from where they will emerge at night to scavenge and feed. They are proven vectors for disease transmission and are regarded as a serious Public Health Pest. It is highly unlikely that an amateur would be able to clear an infestation of these difficult to control insects and professional help will always be required. Manchester Pest Control can provide eradication programmes incorporating the most up to date formulations and active ingredients.

Common Wasp

Wasps are regarded as a public nuisance pest rather than a public health pest. This does not mean however that they do not pose a significant threat, as they possess an incredibly painful sting. Of the several species active within this country all possess the same strong defensive and territorial instincts and as such nests should be treated with extreme caution. Manchester Pest Control  Pest Control cannot stress highly enough that wasps nest destruction should only be carried out by professionals and should not be attempted by individuals. Should this not discourage you we always carry a Wasp treatment spray with us and it is best applied within 10 minutes of the sting-taking place. Note – over the last few years the Island has been colonised by the Median Wasp from Europe. Unlike native Wasps that build their nests in holes this species nests in bushes and trees are somewhat larger, are very territorial and are often associated with multiple sting incidents.

Fruit Flies

Tiny flies commonly found in environments where fruit or syrup spillages occur, the larvae feed on the fermenting deposits. They can breed in vast numbers in the right conditions and are often an indication that cleaning issues need to be addressed. A good pest control contractor will be able to locate the source of the infestation and offer short-term remedial insecticide treatments. It must be stressed however that unless the underlying hygiene issues are addressed then long-term control may not be possible. See also Phorid Flies that are of a similar appearance and life cycle but more commonly associated with wet organic matter.

Black Ant

Often referred to as Garden Ants, this species is regarded as a Public Nuisance pest due to their foraging habits. Once a food source is found the worker will lay a pheromone trail back to the nest resulting in large numbers clustering around it. This is the species most commonly referred to as flying ants when large numbers of Queens and Drones emerge on a humid late summer day to mate. Manchester Pest Control can achieve good levels of control using some of the modern Insecticide Gels and new treatment regimes in controlling this very persistent insect.

Pharaohs Ant

Pose a real threat to public health due to their very small size and their invasive habits. There is a potential threat of mechanical disease transmission as they forage and they have a particular liking for high protein foods including blood. Infestations are quite common in large communal buildings and until recently have been very difficult to control. It was discovered that due to their social structure of a large nest comprising of a number of queens and many workers that any treatment caused the colony to scatter thereby spreading the infestation. Modern gel formulations have enabled us to achieve much better levels of control however an infestation of Pharaohs ants should only be undertaken by professional pest control contractors.

Case-bearing Clothes Moth

Whilst there are a number of insects that will attack woollen carpets and clothes this now seems to be the most prevalent. Signs of infestation include irregular holes appearing in woollen clothes and carpets and what appear to be long grain rice type larval cases amongst the food source. These are cases constructed by the larvae from frass and webbing and they are carried by them as they move through the carpet. A treatment with a residual insecticide will clear an infestation and Manchester Pest Control offer a guaranteed service in most cicumstances. This insect will absolutely not infest synthetic carpets.


Very common insects that are associated with the presence of a host animal. There are several species but by far the most common are Cat Fleas, approximately 80% of infestations. They have the ability to hibernate for several months within the environment at times of stress and will emerge from this once a food source appears. This is why it is possible to move into a house that has been empty for several months and discover huge infestations. Fleas are host specific and require blood from the host animal in order to be able to breed, they are however quite able to survive on human blood should the host not be present. Bites are characterised as being usually from the knees to ankles and are intensely itchy. Treatment with a residual insecticide will clear an infestation and Manchester Pest Control can offer a guaranteed service in most circumstances.

Bed Bugs

These insects are now becoming much more prevalent and infestation incidences are projected to further increase over the next few years. Appearance is oval, approximately 4-5mm with clearly visible legs. Signs of infestation are blood spots left on sheets and bites around the face, arms and neck (although they will bite anywhere on the body) often in lines following the course of a vein. Bed Bugs are nocturnal and will emerge from cracks and crevices to feed on the host. This is another species that has the ability to diapause and can emerge from hibernation after many months of inactivity. Control is very difficult to achieve and there is some suspicion they are resistant to many insecticides. Manchester Pest Control can offer a very high success rate in treating these insects and have designed a system incorporating the most modern formulations and active ingredients.


These large insects are often mistaken for cockroaches and will fly into buildings. They are garden insects that do not require insecticide treatment.

Cluster Flies

These species of flies are classed as a public nuisance pest due to their habit of infesting lofts and similar environments in huge numbers as the Autumn approaches to hibernate. Their appearance is similar to that of the House Fly although there are several species all demonstrating the same behaviour. They are not associated with disease transmission and are nectar feeders. Care should be taken when carrying out treatments as they are often associated with Bat Colonies living in the same areas.

Book lice

These primitive insects are often found in kitchens and bathrooms where they appear as tiny brown or opaque dots moving across work surfaces and shelving. They are usually associated with areas of high humidity and where air circulation is poor. This causes the moisture in the air to condense and micro flora will form on carbohydrate based materials that become damp. This forms the food source for the book lice. Environmental control is always the best way to control an infestation o this type. If you can dry out the atmosphere then you will destroy the Booklice, as they cannot tolerate dry conditions. Insecticide treatments can offer a very short-term control but if you do not modify the environment re -infestation will most likely occur.

Stored Product Insects

There are a large number of insects that fall under this bracket. Most are tiny Beetles but the are a number of Moths. They are usually associated with carbohydrate based goods but will also infest dried goods such as nuts, pulses and fruits. The key to successful control is to find the source of the infestation and remove it possibly backed up by a residual insecticide treatment. An infestation is often an indication of poor stock rotation, as SPI require some time to develop to noticeable levels within the infested goods. Infestations can also occur if goods are bulk stored and decanted into smaller bags to be sold over a period of time. Signs of infestation are webbing on the outside and inside of packaging together with insects in the goods or migrating away from them. Insecticide treatments are useful to kill of any residual activity once the food source has been located and removed. Many of the insects associated with this kind of activity are attracted to very specific pheromones and there are a large number monitoring traps on the market to aid in your Integrated Pest Management systems.

Brown-tail Moth

Are a quite common species of European moth classed as a public health pest due to the larvae possessing highly irritant shedding hairs. They will commonly infest ornamental and fruit trees and also seem to have a particular liking to Blackthorn. The identifying features are the presence of tent like structures in the infested food plant, large scale damage due to the voracious caterpillars and the caterpillars themselves. The larvae are dark, hairy and with two lines of white and one line of red spots. You are unlikely to see the adult moths.
Control should be carried out with caution as shed larval hairs can cause severe itchy rashes and can irritate eyes and respiratory passages. Winter webbing tents can be cut out and burnt but once the larvae are active an insecticidal treatment will need to be carried out. Manchester Pest Control specialist treatment uses Bacillus thuringiensis as it’s active ingredient and whilst highly effective against Browntail moth.


A large order of insects of which many are capable of spreading disease. Indeed flies are one of the main vehicles for contamination within the food industry.

Flying Insects

Flying insects within the home are not just a nuisance, some flies such as bluebottles and house flies can contaminate foodstuffs. Many moths like the brown house moth and the common clothes moth can destroy many fabrics, including wool and leather. Other insect pests such as wasps can be a particular problem to those who are more sensitive or have an allergic reaction to stings.

Harlequin Ladybirds

The Harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis), is the most invasive ladybird on earth. Often called Asian Lady beetle, these ladybird infestations have the potential to jeopardise the 46 species of ladybird resident in Britain. In Britain they are most frequently orange in colour with 15 – 21 black spots. Alternatively, they are black with 2 or 4 orange or red spots. The species is typically large (7-8 mm long) and even more dome-shaped than native European species (these characteristics distinguish Harmonia axyridis from native species in the UK). It often has white markings (typically defining an “M”- or “W”-shaped black area) on its pronotum, and usually brown or reddish legs.

Ants Bedbugs Beetles Birds Cockroaches Fleas Flies Foxes Mice Mites Moles Moths Pigeons Rabbits Rats Silverfish Spiders Squirrels Wasps Woodlice

Common Pests in Carrington
We offer a same day wasp treatment service in the Carrington area
Wasp Nest Treament in Carrington
Effective Wasp Nest Treatment in Carrington

Carrington wasp control treatments are safe and provide excellent value for money. We offer a comprehensive wasp nest treatment service for a fixed price of £59.50. We also cover Stockport, Cheshire and Warrington areas. We are specialists in wasp nest control and also hornet nest treatments. We also provide a same day service, so for those people that really don't like wasps at all, we are here to help and we guarantee that we kill wasp nests dead.

Pest Control for Landlords in Carrington
Pest Control Services for Landlords in Carrington

Manchester Pest covers Greater Manchester and Cheshire.

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