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Altrincham Warehouse Moth & Pest Control Services

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Pest Control Manchester

Warehouse Moth – Ephestia elutella

This species is closely related to the meal moth, it is very common insect in tropical and temperate climates, but it’s taste is more in the way of nuts, almonds, cocoa beans and dried fruit (it is a major pest and also damages flours, milled cereal products, cocoa, etc). It is therefore a very serious pest problem in the chocolate industry. The moths nearly always reach the factory in the raw materials. In addition, the remains of cocoa beans and other materials may be seats of infection, and the machinary itself may harbour povckets of suitable food for these moths.

If the moths appear in the factory there is alweays the risk that they may have laid eggs on the finished product, and so one may have the problem of ‘worms’ in the chocolate. The infestation may also take place in a store or shop.

The larvae cannot penetrate hermetically sealed packages, but if there is the slightest gap the female moth, attracted by the scent, will lay eggs nearby and the newly hatched larvae will crawl in and start to feed.

This moth can also eat tobacco. Remarkably enough it can tolerate nicotine, and, together with the tobacco beetle, it is one of the most serious pest in the tobacco industry.


Eggs are laid over or near the products. Larvae are mobile over products or bags, where they feed and produced silk which may form large webs. When completely grown, they leave the products and move towards the structures or package openings.

Pupae may be immediately formed, becoming adult moths. However, most of them only become adults within a year, keeping the infestation. Adults are short lived and do not feed. They are active at night and usually fly towards the structure’s roofing. They live for 13 to 14 days and a female may lay 279 eggs.

Life cycle takes 50 – 90 days under optimum temperature conditions.

Moth Control in Manchester, Stockport and Cheshire.

Discreet 24 hour Warehouse Moth & other Pest Control Services in Altrincham with no call out charge We Use unmarked vehicles

We do not use sign written vehicles and will be discreet at all times when dealing with your pest problem. All pest control work is guaranteed, Treatments are available 24 hours a day 7 days a week including bank holidays. We will also advise on any pest proofing issues and how to avoid pest problems in the future. We all want what's best for our family and to protect our home. Apart from the danger to health, many pests can also cause extensive structural damage, as well as an offensive odour. Before you go down the DIY route, why not give us a call to see how we can help? You have nothing to lose! We all want what's best for our family and to protect our home. Apart from the danger to health, many pests can also cause extensive structural damage, as well as an offensive odour. Before you go down the DIY route, why not give us a call to see how we can help? You have nothing to lose!

Altrincham Pest Control Services

People and companies think they can treat the pest problem themselves, only to find that they make the infestation worse by purchasing products from DIY outlets with a poor percentage of insecticide. This may prove to be an expensive waste of time and money. Altrincham Warehouse Moth & Pest Control provides an effective solution to your pest control problem with advice to prevent any infestation recurring.

Ants Bedbugs Beetles Birds Cockroaches Fleas Flies Foxes Mice Mites Moles Moths Pigeons Rabbits Rats Silverfish Spiders Squirrels Wasps Woodlice

Common Pests in Altrincham

Manchester Pest control services:

People and companies think they can treat the pest problem themselves, only to find that they make the infestation worse by purchasing products from DIY outlets with a poor percentage of insecticide. This may prove to be an expensive waste of time and money. Manchester Pest Control provides an effective solution to your pest control problem with advice to prevent any infestation recurring.

Manchester Pest covers Greater Manchester and Cheshire.

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